National Truth and Reconciliation Week

Mark National Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022 September 26th – 30th is National Truth and Reconciliation Week. For this event, the NFB partners with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation to help teachers educate students about Indigenous realities during National Truth and Reconciliation Week with a series of mini-lessons, workshops, and a Statement of […]
Bring #Pride to Your Classroom
Celebrate LGBTQIA2+ Pride month this June with Canadian films that champion diversity and foster inclusive classrooms.
National Indigenous History Month

National Indigenous History Month On-Core has updated the collections for National Indigenous History Month (June) and National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21). Visit the Ed_Tech_Resources Sakai Site, and navigate to the Web Resources page where you can find login info for this instructional resource (On-Core) and more! Once you’ve logged in, check out the National Indigenous History Month resources. In […]
My Voice is Louder Than Hate

My Voice is Louder Than Hate My Voice is Louder Than Hate is a multimedia lesson resource designed to empower students in Grades 9 to 12 to push back against hate and prejudice in their online communities. Over the course of this program, students will: learn how to push back when they encounter hate or […]
Podcast Project Seeks to Keep Endangered Indigenous Languages Alive

Podcast Project Seeks to Keep Endangered Indigenous Languages Alive Podcasts about ‘living in the language, laughing in the language and even loving in the language’: supervisor A new series of podcasts from a project by the First Nations University of Canada and community members aims to revitalize languages that are at risk of extinction. Learn […]
Educational Resources for Earth Day

Educational Resources for Earth Day April 22 is Earth Day, a yearly event meant to raising awareness about the environment and how to protect it. But the truth is, every day must be Earth Day if we plan on a brighter future. Curated by the National Film Board of Canada, here are a selection of films […]
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination The 2022 edition of the International Day focuses on the theme “VOICES FOR ACTION AGAINST RACISM”. This edition aims, in particular, at: highlighting the importance of strengthening meaningful and safe public participation and representation in all areas of decision-making to prevent and combat racial discrimination; reaffirming the […]
International Women’s Day
Celebrate International Women’s Day Every year we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8 to commemorate the strength and courage of previous generations of feminists and their allies. While the fight for equality and justice for women has certainly come a long way, we also remind ourselves and society that the struggle is far from […]
February and Forever

Celebrating Black History Month today and every day Selected Black History Month Timeline, exploring Blackness on the Prairies, and much more from the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, University of Calgary. Read more.
Celebrate Black History Month

Learn about the history and experiences of Black, African and Caribbean Canadians through this brand-new 27-page study guide, featuring discussions of 6 NFB films made by Black filmmakers and allies of the Black community. Visit the Ed_Tech_Resources Sakai Site, and navigate to the Web Resources page where you can find login info for this instructional […]